Stockholm university

Research project CHEMPACT - Status of CHEMical emissions via wastewater treatment plant effluents and imPACT

The project compiles and synthesizes data on micropollutants in wastewater emitted in the Baltic Sea drainage basin and reviews effects associated with chemicals in wastewater in the Baltic Sea catchment.

CHEMPACT aims to contribute to minimizing risks for human health and the environment arising from chemicals emitted in the urban areas and transferred to the aquatic environment via WWTPs in the Baltic Sea catchment. We will compile published data on measured concentrations of contaminants in wastewater, analyse and visualize the data and review the literature on associated ecotoxicological effects. We will communicate the results and conclusions to relevant stakeholders.

Please contact Emma Undeman,, if you are interested in the CHEMPACT database.

Project members

Project managers

Emma Undeman

Associate Professor

Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre
Emma Undeman, foto: Niklas Björling/SU


Ilga Kokorite


Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center

Matti Leppänen

Senior research scientist

Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)

Martin Mørk Larsen


Aarhus University, Institute of Bioscience

Ksenia Pazdro


Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN)



More about this project



Baltic Breakfast: Micropollutants in wastewater. Preliminary results from the CHEMPACT project are presented at the Baltic Sea Centre's breakfast seminar 17 March 2021.