Stockholm university

Research project Children's rights and evidence based care

Conflicting goals in compulsory care for young people?

In recent years, the requirement that children's rights must be met in all social care has become evident in legislation and in courts. In this study, this requirement will be analyzed in relation to another contemporary development trend: growing demands for an evidence-based care.  The question is how the individual-based rights perspective relates to the thoughts and principles on which evidence-based care is based, where group-based results from effect studies and specific treatment methods (more or less standardized) play a prominent role. We investigate this question by studying care conducted by the Swedish National Board of Institutional care (SiS). SiS activities are disputed, not least for the compulsory measures that they have at their disposal. The purpose of the project is to analyze what the increased requirements to consider children's individual rights can entail in a compulsory care context where evidence-based methods are given great value. We want to study how children's rights and evidence-based care are reflected in the daily care and how they potentially may conflict.

Project description

The project has great relevance. During the 2000s, recurring criticism has been directed at the social care of children in Sweden. It has been discussed what needs to be done to satisfy and strengthen vulnerable children 's rights and best interests. The study will contribute with knowledge about opportunities and barriers to a rights-based care. The project also has high topicality regarding the requirements for evidence-based care. Efforts have been made for a long time to strengthen the knowledge within the social services, most recently through national research programs on applied welfare research. However, we still lack knowledge how evidence-based care relates to a rights-based care. We also lack knowledge which potential conflicts appear in a complex care practice and for a vulnerable group of children and young people.

Project members

Project managers

Titti Mattsson


Juridiska institutionen, Lunds universitet


Marie Sallnäs


Department of Social Work
Marie Sallnäs. Foto: Vilhelm Stokstad

Sofia Enell


Institutionen för socialt arbete, Linnéuniversitetet, Växsjö