Stockholm university

Research project Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE)

The international collaboration Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE) curates data from the entire Arctic Ocean on organic carbon, nitrogen, carbon isotopes, and biomarkers. The vision for CASCADE is to be expanded by other components, organic contaminants, more biomarkers, sediment physical properties and sediment cores.

The Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon Database (CASCADE) is an international collaboration that collects and curates published and unpublished data in sediments from the entire Arctic Ocean on organic carbon (OC)  and total nitrogen (TN) content, OC isotopes (δ13C, Δ14C) and concentrations of biomarkers focusing on terrestrial sources and their degradation status  (e.g., long-chain n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids and lignin phenols). It is the vision for CASCADE to be expanded by other components, such as Hg, organic contaminants, more biomarkers, sediment physical properties and for the full range of sediment cores.

The CASCADE is openly and freely available online at the Bolin Centre Database and provided in various data formats. A companion paper was published in Earth System Science Data by Martens et al. (2021). Given the increasing number of studies in the Arctic, an organization for continued curation and frequent updates are key to the continuation and relevance of CASCADE.

The below listed project members curate CASCADE together and the group can be reached with contributions using the email address cascade|at| After first contact we start a dialog to gather required meta data along with license information to integrate contributions.

Project members

Project managers

Örjan Gustafsson


Department of Environmental Science


Matthias Brakebusch

Research engineer

Department of Environmental Science

Birgit Wild

Assistant professor

Department of Environmental Science
Profile picture Birgit Wild

Jannik Martens

PhD student

Department of Environmental Science
