Stockholm university

Research project Co-coding with AI in computer programming

Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) has raised concerns: Will human skill be replaced by AI-based technologies? This project investigates how AI tools may be used as constructive resources in programming and creative design contexts. We adopt a perspective of co-creativity between user and technology.

Genre photo: Robot hand and human hand in a fistbump. Photo: Andrey Popov/Mostphotos.
Photo: Andrey Popov/Mostphotos.

Recent work in AI research targeted at generative machine learning, or Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), has led to enormous improvements in the ability to automatically create original computer-generated content in the form of images, audio and text.

In this project, we are exploring the possibilities to generate programming code based on natural language descriptions. The purpose is to develop ways to support novice programmers and designers in creative programming contexts to engage in the use of AI-based generation of programming code and design ideas. We study this as processes of joint co-creativity and co-construction between human and artificial intelligences.

The full title of this research project is “Co-coding with AI in computer programming – Generative machine learning tools in support of new programming and design practices”.

Project members

Project managers

Jakob Tholander


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Martin Jonsson

Associate professor

Södertörn University
