Stockholm university

Research project Cognitive offloading in memory for multiple intentions

Extending past work, the aim of this project is to investigate functional and neural mechanisms of memory for multiple intentions.

Man at board with many notes on it. Photo: Pexels from Pixabay.

Digital technology has become ubiquitous in our daily activities and demands and possibilities for using different forms of media in conjunction with each other have become increasingly prevalent. Most everyday activities involve multiple goals and intentions, which are coordinated and completed within a variety of ongoing activities. While demands on concurrent information processing and multitasking have increased dramatically, no earlier studies on prospective memory have focused on its more dynamic aspects by investigating how we form, monitor and remember multiple intentions, some of which are revised or postponed in the context of other goal-directed activities.

Project description

The project is based on the hypothesis that earlier reliance on dual-task paradigms may have contributed to simplified (dual-component) theories of prospective memory and thereby obscured the central role of a cognitive offloading mechanism in which cognitive control demands are alleviated by spatial relation processes and their neural correlates. Central predictions of this spatiotemporal offloading hypothesis of prospective memory are investigated in behavioral and brain-imaging studies. The results of these studies will have both practical and theoretical implications for understanding the dynamic interplay of higher cognitive functions in complex goal-directed behavior.

Project members

Project managers

Timo Mäntylä

Professor Emeritus

Department of Psychology
Timo Mäntylä Foto: Niklas Björling


Timo Mäntylä

Professor Emeritus

Department of Psychology
Timo Mäntylä Foto: Niklas Björling

Anisha Larsson

Research Assistant

Department of Psychology

Ivo Todorov


Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services
Ivo latest

Fabio Del Missier


University of Trieste

Marta Stragà

Post doc

University of Trieste
