Stockholm university

Research project Concurrent Collaboration

Reading development in newly arrived high school students addresses a well-defined educational need: the automatization of decoding in second language learner reading. Decoding is critical for comprehension and therefore for learning.

The aim of the project is twofolded:

a) to develop forms and strategies for goal-oriented joint action (close cooperation between researchers and school teachers) to solve critical educational needs

b) to develop methods for training directed towards the automatization of decoding for young adults.

Project members

Project managers

Maria Lim Falk


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Maria Lim Falk Foto: Linnea Bengtsson


Julia Backelin Forsberg


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Julia, i hästsvans, tittar över axeln och ler.

Helena Bani Shoraka

Universitetslektor, Studierektor tolkning

The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Helena Bani-Shoraka

Tomas Riad


The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism
Tomas Riad, waf 2015