Stockholm university

Research project Connections in spatial growth models

One of the most important avenues of research in mathematical physics evolves around a differential equation, introduced by physicists Kardar, Parisi and Zhang. This equation has in empirical studies been found to describe the evolution, over time, of the front of various spatial growth processes, such as bacteria colonies and flame fronts.

The study of stochastic models for spatial growth saw its dawn in the 1960s. In the 1980s, far-reaching predictions regarding the asymptotic behaviour of a large class of two-dimensional growth models that stem from the seminal work of Kardar, Parisi and Zhang further popularised the area of research. For a handful so-called 'integrable' models, these predictions have been verified rigorously through serendipitous connections to other fields. For the overwhelming majority of non-integrable models, such as first- and last-passage percolation, understanding the mechanism that dictates the order of fluctuations remains one of the most important open problems.

The current programme aims to develop general techniques through which the asymptotic behaviour of (non-integrable) models of spatial growth can be understood. First-passage percolation is, perhaps, the most well-known model of this kind, and has an elegant formulation as a random metric space. This programme will explore the central role that geodesics, i.e. distance-minimising connections, have in understanding various properties of this metric space. More precisely, the main objective will be to establish rigorous connections between the asymptotic shape and fluctuations around the asymptotic shape on the one hand, and geodesics on the other. These connections will offer a novel perspective on some of the oldest and most important open problems in first-passage percolation and related models for spatial growth, which this programme will contribute to make progress upon.

Project members

Project managers

Daniel Ahlberg


Department of Mathematics (incl. Math. Statistics)


Maria Deijfen


Department of Mathematics (incl. Math. Statistics)
Mia 2019

Matteo Sfragara


Department of Mathematics (incl. Math. Statistics)

Christopher Hoffman


University of Washington

Jack Hanson

Assistant Professor

City University of New York