Stockholm university

Research project Consequences of punishment in Sweden

Swedish crime policy has, during recent years, become increasingly punitive in character. This has resulted in increasing numbers of interns in prison and pre-trial detention. The development raises questions with respect to positive and negative effects of punishment.

Consequences of punishment is a huge research field, but it is a field dominated by American studies that are difficult to generalize to Swedish conditions. This project aims at adopting a global perspective of punishment and its consequences in Sweden. We plan to do a solid review of research, primarily focused on studies from Northern Europe, and we plan four sub-studies in which we aim at mimicking experimental situations to isolate the causal effects of punishment on outcomes such as recidivism to crime, education, labour market, and health.

Our hope is that the project will contribute to a better informed crime policy debate.

Project members

Project managers

Olof Bäckman


Department of Criminology
Olof B


Susanne Alm


Department of Criminology
Susanne Alm

Fredrik Sivertsson

Bitr lektor

Department of Criminology

Felipe Estrada Dörner


Department of Criminology
