Stockholm university

Research project Cultural Theory and Ethnological Fieldwork

How is the concept culture understood and theorized, and how is it used in ethnological research? How is the concept understood and used in everyday life, work life and in public debate? These questions have been the focus of my writing on and off for several years.

Dalahäst i Avesta. Foto: Magnus Öhlander.
Foto: Magnus Öhlander.

The main objective is to discuss and further develop cultural theory and methods of relevance to cultural research in general and for European ethnology in particular. The focus is on three areas: (i) how the concept of "culture" is used in the discipline European ethnology; (ii) how the concept of culture is used outside Academia, for example in the mass media and in health care, and what consequences this has had regarding diversity, inclusion and exclusion; (iii) how different understandings of culture has implications for ethnological fieldwork and analysis.

Project members

Project managers