Stockholm university

Research project Culture of silence

The me-too petition #TystnadTagning received media- and political attention in Sweden and the performing arts became a case illustrating a larger problem on the Swedish labor market: health effects of sexual harassment and sexual violence and the culture of silence that surrounds them.

Bild som liknar förbudsskylt mot tafsande händer.

The project studies the culture of silence around sexual harassment and efforts to prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence. Through interviews and interactional observation in the performing arts knowledge to develop new methods to promote an equal and sustainable work environment is collected.

The project is developed in collaboration with a group representing the performing arts and with the backdrop of previous studies about sexual harassment and health in the workplace, research about prevention of sexual harassment and its’ negative working health effects. The contribution of the project to benefit health on the Swedish labor market is significant. A survey (Kantar/Sifo 2019) showed that the amount of people faced with sexual harassment at work is the same as before 2017. This study is contributing with new knowledge of importance and employs this knowledge to develop new methods to prevent sexual harassment.

Full title: Culture of silence. Experience, policy and methods in combating sexual harassment in the performing arts after #MeToo

Project members

Project managers

Ann Werner, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer

Södertörn University
Picture of Ann Werner


Isak Benyamine

Senior lecturer

Department of Education