Stockholm university

Research project Democratic governance for efficient and socially just climate transformation (DEMOCLIM)

DEMOCLIM explores new democratic governance methods in the design and implementation of effective and socially just climate policies that emerge in the face of climate protests in four Scandinavian cities; Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm and Gothenburg.

DEMOCLIM investigates new democratic ways of governing in the design and implementation of effective and socially just climate policy that are emerging in the face of climate protests in four Scandinavian cities; Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm and Gothenburg. The starting point for the project is the sharpened conflict over climate policy solutions in cities around the world.

Project description

The cities have to cope with two new and seemingly contradictory demands:

1. Reactive movements that focus on the distributional effects of climate measures and raise value-related questions. The toll riot in autumn 2019 and resistance to densification are examples of such protests.

2. Proactive movements that demand more radical climate policy. School strikes for climate inspired by Greta Thunberg and the organization "Extinction Rebellion" are examples of such protests.

Both protest movements challenge the legitimacy of existing policies, and demand changes. But there is also a seed for change here, through experimentation and the development of new forms of democratic and efficient governance.

DEMOCLIM also wants to contribute to democratic development by:

1. develop new theoretical and empirical knowledge about co-creative forms of governance in Scandinavian cities;
2. facilitate efficient and socially just climate transformation, among other things by arranging city labs in all cities.

Project members

Project managers

Hege Hofstad


Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning, OsloMet
Hege H


Einar Braathen


Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning, OsloMet
Einar B

Gro Sandkjær Hanssen


Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning, OsloMet

Trond Vedeld


Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning

Hanne Cecilie Geirbo


Fakultet for teknologi, kunst og design, Oslo universitet
Hanne Ce

Håvard Haarstad

Professor, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)

Department of Geography, Bergen University
Håvard Haarstad

Lukas Smas

Universitetslektor, docent

Kulturgeografiska institutionen
