Stockholm university

Research project Depression and anxiety in youth: A Swedish prospective cohort study of prevalence and treatment gaps

This project follows a Swedish cohort of young people from age 15, with the aim of studying depression and anxiety at ages 20-23 years, and to examine treatment gaps for these conditions.

Youth has been described as a life phase characterised by instability and challenges with potential implications for mental health. Yet, there is a lack of studies of the prevalence of psychiatric conditions among youth in Sweden. Accordingly, there is also limited knowledge about the degree to which young persons with psychiatric conditions receive care.

The project will generate knowledge about the prevalence of depression and anxiety among young people in Sweden and about the unmet care needs for these conditions, inform about differences in prevalence and in treatment gaps between societal groups, as well as about the role of different coping strategies. Such knowledge is relevant for preventive work and early interventions.

Project description

This project follows a Swedish cohort of young people from age 15, and the aim is to study depression and anxiety at ages 20-23 years and to examine treatment gaps for these conditions. Another aim is to analyse differences in prevalence and in treatment gaps by gender, socioeconomic position and parental country of birth. Additionally, we will study how different coping strategies are related to depression and anxiety and to the treatment gaps for these conditions.

Data and method

Data are drawn from the Swedish national cohort study Futura01, combining survey and register data. The baseline study in 2017 was a school survey with students in grade 9. The participants were followed up with a web survey in 2019 . In spring 2022, the participants are followed up again with a web survey. In this web survey, the self-report instrument Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) which screens for depression and anxiety is included. We will also carry out a fourth data collection in 2024. All survey waves include measures on mental health, stress, social support and health behaviours. The statistical methods to be used include various multivariate techniques adapted to panel data.

Plan for project realisation

The project will build on survey data from the four web surveys and linked register information on specialist psychiatric care, prescriptions of medication, and sociodemographic characteristics. For parts of the data we also intend to link information on primary care from regional registers.


The project will generate knowledge about the prevalence of depression and anxiety among young people in Sweden and about the unmet care needs for these conditions. More specifically, the project will inform about differences in prevalence and in treatment gaps between societal groups, as well as about the role of different coping strategies. Such knowledge is relevant for preventive work and early interventions, e.g., “first line” care which is a relatively new type of care that is still under development.

Photo: Antonio Guillem/Mostphotos

Project members

Project managers

Sara Brolin Låftman

Director of studies doctoral level/Senior Lecturer

Department of Public Health Sciences
Sara Brolin Låftman


Sven Bölte


Karolinska Institutet, Department of Women's and Children's Health/Neuropsychiatry

Jonas Raninen

Research Specialist

Karolinska institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience

Viveca Östberg


Department of Public Health Sciences
Viveca Östberg