Stockholm university

Research project Developing a cost-efficient control program for the invasive plant Lupinus polyphyllus

This project will develop a cost-efficient program to control the invasive species Lupinus polyphyllus in Sweden.

Lupiner 2

To reach this aim, we will use a two-fold approach. First, we will examine in what geographic regions and under what environmental conditions that Lupinus constitute a potential problem, and thus identify in what situations actions to control the species are at all needed. Second, we will assess how cost-efficient different management practices are to reduce long-term population growth rates in areas where the species constitute a potential problem. We will both explore the situation under current conditions, and future scenarios under different assumptions about climate change. Taken together, these results provide a solid basis for a cost-efficient control program, that is not only possible to implement episodically and at small spatial scales, but that is feasible to maintain over large areas and long time periods.

Project members

Project managers

Johan Ehrlén


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Johan Ehrlén


Kristoffer Hylander


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Kristoffer Hylander