Stockholm university

Research project Developing Professional Qualifications and Training for European Behaviour Analysts (EuroBA)

The science and practice of behavior analysis underpins the majority of evidence based educational and developmental interventions supporting the learning, social engagement and development of children with autism and other developmental difficulties.


In regard to preschool age children with autism, interventions with a basis in the science of behavior analysis are viewed as ‘Gold Standard’, and are frequently funded via health care and or education systems.

Project description

In USA and Canada, Behaviour Analysis has a long history, with university standards meeting state regulated certification and or licencing requirements. However, within Europe there are no recognised university standards or qualifications for the education of Behaviour Analysts.

Nevertheless there are of date fifty- eight institutes of higher education in sixteen countries within the European Higher Education Area which have master level course sequences meeting American certification standards. However, lack of official recognition and qualification standards with in Europe will undoubtedly lead to lower quality higher education standards, effecting practice, possibly inducing harm to clients and the field.

Rising rates of disability are associated with increased costs to society, un- or under-employment, worsening of mental health, and lower quality-of-life for affected individuals and their families: this means that at least 10-18 million Europeans and their families could benefit from higly qualified and competent Behaviour Analysts.

Objectives of the current project

  • To ensure transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications for Behaviour Analysts in Europe;
  • To tackle skills gaps  
  • To improve future support of persons with special needs and/or disabilities;
  • To support educators and other professional staff through enhancing their competence; ie knowledge and skills 
  • To improve the mobility and employability of professionals meeting competence requirements.

The Objectives will be achieved through

  • Developing and setting professional standards in Behaviour Analysis with comprehensive standardisations referenced to European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and 6 National Qualifications Framework (NQFs);
  • Creating competency profiles for bachelor- and masters level EuroBAs);
  • Developing an entry level at multilingual/cultural modified online course;

These qualifications will focus on the scientific theoretical and practical basis of the full range of evidence-based effective procedures.

Project members

Project managers

Mickey Keenan


Ulster University


Karola Dillenburger


Queens University

Mickey Keenan


Ulster University

Robert Mellon


Panteion University

Paolo Moderato



Karel Pančocha

Masaryk University

Sheri Kingsdorf

Assistant professor

Masaryk University

Jacqueline Schenk

Associate professor

Erasmus University

Lise Renata Pettersson Roll


Department of Special Education
Professor Lise Roll Pettersson

Dag Strömberg


Department of Special Education
Dag Strömberg