Stockholm university

Research project Development of a national entrance test for admission to higher education

The research group PRIM participates in a pilot project with a national eligibility test for admission to higher education.

In order to create more paths to higher education and take advantage of people's skills, the government has decided on a pilot project with a national eligibility test for admission to higher education. An approved result from the test will give basic eligibility for higher education in Sweden. The Swedish council for Higher Education is responsible a pilot project regarding the test.

Developing a completely new test requires the development of a framework, method development and instrument development. A working group with external researchers and experts in test design has developed a framework and is responsible for developing and designing an instrument. The work is led by researchers from the University of Gothenburg.

The test is planned to measure competencies that individuals have acquired through work, studies or other activities and that correspond to those provided by an upper secondary diploma. This involves, among other things, knowledge in English, Swedish and mathematics but also a number of cognitive skills, such as a scientific approach and problem-solving ability. The test will be evaluated during a trial period in 2022 and 2023.

The research group PRIM participates in developing and constructing the eligibility test and in analysing the test results. The work in PRIM mainly focuses on the parts that concern competencies in mathematics and problem solving. The work includes method development, instrument development and instrument design.

Project members

Project managers

Samuel Sollerman

Director PRIM, Senior lecturer

Department of Teaching and Learning
Samuel 2020


Jenny Ek

Test developer

Department of Teaching and Learning
Jenny Ek