Stockholm university

Research project Digital government collaborative platform for environmental sustainability: The case of Sri Lanka

Environmental sustainability is a pressing question all over the world. This PhD thesis project aims to design and evaluate a digital collaborative platform to improve the environmental sustainability in Sri Lanka.

Train on a bridge in Sri Lanka.
Photo: Gemmmm/Unsplash.

Environmental sustainability has become one of the dominant issues in Sri Lanka. Studies have shown that improving collaboration between citizens and government is a solution to address environmental sustainability.

Hence, with the increased use of information and communication technology (ICT) and digital devices among citizens and officers, a digital platform is considered as the solution for communication and collaboration. In this thesis project, we use design science and Value Sensitive Design (VSD) to define human values and design the digital platform.

This is Mohamed Sapraz’ PhD thesis project.
Shengnan Han is the supervisor.

Project members

Project managers

Shengnan Han


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences


Mohamed Sapraz Seyyadu Ahamed Kabeer


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

