Stockholm university

Research project Digital innovation in collaboration between city, region and academy (DISRA)

This project is aimed at elderly with multiple illnesses. We identify and design innovative services, based on data-driven solutions. The goal is to proactively prevent mistreatment in health care and re-enrollment in advanced hospital care.

Genre photo: An older and a younger person holding hands. Photo: Doug Olsen/Mostphotos.
Photo: Doug Olsen/Mostphotos.

The full title of this project is "Digital innovation in collaboration between city, region and academy with the focus on elderly with comorbidities (DISRA)".

A key problem in health care is that the care providers involved do not have access to relevant and up-to-date information about elderly patients with multiple illnesses when there is a lock between the city and the region.

The reason for this can be found in legal and technical obstacles, but also in differences in culture, knowledge, responsibilities and working methods between the region and city. This can lead to poorer quality in care – with the risk of permanent re-enrollments in emergency care and inpatient care, but also incorrect treatments.

We see great potential in developing innovative services that improve collaboration between care providers in the city and region. This applies in particular to services based on data-driven solutions.

The project is a collaboration between Stockholm University (participants from the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences and the Department of Law), KTH, Stockholm City and the Stockholm Region.

Project members

Project managers

Erik Perjons

Associate professor

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Erik Perjons

Sebastiaan Meijer

Division of Health Informatics and Logistics, KTH

Urban Ekman

Karolinska University Hospital


Katarina Fast Lappalainen


Department of Law
Katarina Fast Lappalainen

Shengnan Han


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Martin Henkel


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Amin Jalali

Associate Professor

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Amin Jalali

Paul Johannesson


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Paul Johannesson
