Stockholm university

Research project Doctoral programme Medical Education

There is a need for more teachers with a PhD who can teach in health professions education in order to maintain the quality of education for the future.

Bild på sjuksköterska som pekar med penna på ett skelett.

The doctoral programme means an opportunity to develop knowledge about learning processes, both at individual and organizational level, which affect teaching and learning and can therefore contribute to a better research and evidence base for health professions education.

The doctoral students' research projects will combine research within the subject areas of health professions education with pedagogical perspectives on student learning, teaching and leadership. In this way, the graduate school will be able to contribute to both knowledge development within the subjects and to competence development for teachers.

The doctoral programme will focus on five themes:

  1. Application of basic scientific knowledge
  2. Student learning in the encounter with healthcare and clinical practice
  3. Approaches to teaching
  4. Pedagogical leadership
  5. Change

The reason for the collaboration between Stockholm University, Linköping University and the Karolinska Institutet is that there are a large number of senior researchers who have been researching teaching and learning in healthcare in these environments, and a national collaboration of this kind therefore means an important opportunity to develop this field.

Doctoral students will be accepted at each university in accordance with the standard admissions process there, but will be linked to the graduate school through courses, collaborations, supervisors and more.

Project members

Project managers

Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren


Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences (HMV), Linköping University
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren


Terese Stenfors


Karolinska Institutet, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
Terese Stenfors

Pia Tingström

Senior associate professor

Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences (HMV), Linköping University
Pia Tingström