Stockholm university

Research project Early dropouts in Vocational education and training

The project investigates the main causes of early dropouts in vocational education and training programs with intention to provide support for practitioners and policy makers alike.

Gymnasielever framför elektronisk mätutrustning

The project focuses on the analysis on the teaching styles and teaching practices of teachers in vocational secondary education and on their influence on improving the educational performance of students and, therefore, in the prevention of students’ drop outs.

The general objectives are three:

  1. To gain new knowledge about the characteristics of teaching styles and pedagogical practices, as well as their relationship with academic results and the prevention of dropout in vocational secondary education.
  2. Establish the characteristics of successful practices in vocational education and training based on scientific evidence resulting from the study of teaching styles and pedagogical practices of teachers, and their relationship with educational results.
  3. Promote the generalization of successful pedagogical practices to reduce drop outs in vocational secondary education.

To achieve these objectives, the project uses a mixed methods includes elements of the quantitative and qualitative approach and that are operationalized through the performance of thirteen tasks in order to enable the triangulation of the results.

Project members

Project managers

Professor Carme Pinya Medina

University of the Balearic Islands

Professor Francisca Salvá

University of the Balearic Islands


Lazaro Moreno Herrera


Department of Education
Lazaro Moreno Herrera, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms universitet