Stockholm university

Research project Ecosystem mapping in the Central Arctic Ocean

The marine ecosystem around the North Pole, the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO), is in fast transition from a permanently to a seasonally ice-covered ocean as a result of global warming. The sea-ice loss will enable summer access to the CAO for non-icebreaking ships, including fishery vessels, in the near future and this project is assessing the impact.

The lack of knowledge on the CAO ecosystem impedes any assessment of the sustainability of potential future fisheries in the CAO. To reduce the existing lack of knowledge, the project has collected new ecosystem data during the international MOSAiC expedition (2019-2020) and the Swedish SAS-Oden expedition (2021). Methods used were water-column acoustics, deep-sea video recording, and organism, fossil and eDNA sampling targeting fish, squid and zooplankton. Further ecosystem data (physical, chemical, biological) were collected by the project’s scientists in collaboration with other scientists onboard of the two expeditions. A metadata database containing lists of all collected samples and data that are relevant for future fishery assessment studies will be delivered to the European Commission at the end of the project.

Project members

Project managers

Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Pauline Nordpol Small


Helen Coxall

Professor of Marine micropaleontology

Department of Geological Sciences
Helen Coxall. Photo: Eva Dalin

Christian Stranne

Associate professor of Marine geophysical mapping and modelling

Department of Geological Sciences
Profile Picture - Christian Stranne

Flor Vermassen


Department of Geological Sciences
no photo
Stockholm University

Marine Vandewalle


Javier Vargas Calle


Fokje Schaafsma

WMR-Den Helder

Serdar Sakinan

