Stockholm university

Research project Effects of bottom trawling in the Baltic Sea

- seafloor integrity, water quality and protected areas

The effect of bottom trawling on Baltic Sea seabeds is poorly understood. Evidence from other seas shows that benthic fauna and sediments may be severely disturbed by this fishing method and that suspended sediment can cause poor water quality in trawled and neighbouring areas, including marine protected areas (MPAs).
This project has: a) quantified how seafloor integrity is altered by bottom trawling; b) quantified the amount of sediment, nutrients and contaminants suspended by bottom trawling; c) quantified and model the distance suspended sediment is transported. 

This information is essential in the effective planning of MPAs, ecosystem-based sustainable fisheries management and assessment of seafloor integrity and ecological status of benthic ecosystems in the Baltic Sea.

Read more about our related project.

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Project members

Project managers

Clare Bradshaw


Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences


Francisco Jardim de Almada Nascimento

Associate Professor

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
FN profile pict

Martin Jakobsson

Professor of Marine geology and geophysics

Department of Geological Sciences
Martin Jakobsson

Pere Masque

Edith Cowan Univ / IAEA Marine Lab Monaco

Claudia Morys

formerly DEEP, SU
