Stockholm university

Research project Ending Childhood Obesity

Ending Childhood Obesity is a national initiative aiming to prevent overweight and obesity in preschool children aged 0–6 in Sweden. Thereby, we hope to contribute to the reduction of mental illness, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Genre photo: children playing in the rain. Photo: Xavi Cabrera/Unsplash.
Photo: Xavi Cabrera/Unsplash.

The aim of this project is to prevent overweight and obesity among children 0–6 years old, and thus contribute to reducing mental illness, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The goal is to reduce overweight and obesity for children aged 0–6 in 2030 in Sweden. The vision is zero obesity at school start in 2030.

This is a national mission-oriented project with focus on preventive health initiatives and a system transformation from a “healthy-risk-sick”-perspective. The solutions that come out of the project must be nationally scalable. The project is broadly based and consists of 24 formal parties.

Expected results and effects according to the impact logic:

-    Achieved system transformation, increased investment and financial activities within preventive measures.
-    Data can be handled between regions and relevant parties in Sweden.
-    Scalable solutions for Prevention of Childhood Obesity are coordinated nationally.
-    Grand Challenge has led to implemented and scaled up solutions.
-    Incentives, remuneration models and business models promoting preventive measures against childhood obesity have been tested and evaluated.
-    Efficient collaboration between regions, municipalities and businesses.

Planned approach and implementation

The project consists of five work packages:
1. National coordination, communication, finances and internationalization.
2. Mapping of best practice to reach a common view of initiatives that are in-progress and examine what should be implemented in the field of Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Sweden.
3. Designing and implementing a Grand Challenge with the aim to generate system-changing solutions.
4. Measurement, monitoring and data management, where terms and data analysis are produced.
5. Mapping and development of incentives, remuneration models and business models.

The project has several collaborating partners:

•    Barnhälsovårdsenheten in Stockholm county
•    Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University
•    Generation Pep
•    Göteborg University
•    HOBS
•    ICA
•    Innovation Skåne (1)
•    Innovation Skåne (2)
•    The Swedish Food Federation
•    The Swedish Food Agency
•    Lund University – LU Innovation
•    Novo Nordisk
•    Region Skåne – Kunskapscentrum barnhälsovård
•    Region Skåne – Regional utveckling
•    Region Västerbotten – Barnhälsovården
•    Region Östergötland – Folkhälso- och statistikenheten
•    RISE – Mobilitet och System
•    RISE – Mätteknik (1)
•    RISE – Mätteknik (2)
•    SAS Institute
•    The National Board of Health and Welfare – Avdelningen för kunskapsstyrning för hälso- och sjukvården
•    The National Board of Health and Welfare – Avdelningen för kunskapsstyrning för socialtjänsten
•    Uppsala University – The Department of Medical Cell Biology
•    Västra Götalandsregionen – Barnmedicin

Besides these formal partners, some 40 others are active in this project.

Project members

Project managers