Stockholm university

Research project Enhancing Preschool Children’s Attention, Language and Communication Skills

Enhancing Preschool Children’s Attention, Language and Communication Skills: An Interdisciplinary Study of Socio-emotional Learning and Computerized Attention Training

The aim of the proposed project is to examine, compare and test how socio-emotional learning practices and  computer program-oriented practices in Swedish preschools affect children’s attention, social understanding, language and communication skills. These data are further correlated with “geographical socio-economic belonging” and the sex of the child.

This interdisciplinary project uses well-tried intervention methodologies from pedagogy, language skill estimations from linguistics, and cortical measurements from cognitive neuroscience. The results can – if conclusive in any one direction – have deep impact on pedagogic skills hence taught and used, as it will be one of the first evidence based studies on preschool children in Sweden.

Project members

Project managers

Hillevi Lenz Taguchi


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Hillevi Lenz Taguchi. Photo: Björn Dalin.


Tove Nilsson Gerholm

Senior lecturer, Docent

Department of Linguistics
Tove Gerholm