Stockholm university

Research project Equality of sleep in parents with young children

The purpose of the project is to determine how parents with young children sleep, and whether sleep equality relates to stress, wellbeing, and responsibility for the child during the night.

Parents and child sleeping. Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash.

The first few years of parenthood are often described as stressful and devoid of sleep. However, according to previous reports, this burden is rarely equally shared, with mothers reporting more disturbed sleep and more responsibility during the night than fathers. Knowledge about how these factors influence parents' wellbeing is scarce, especially regarding equality in nightly care, and objectively measured parental sleep.

In this project, we study several families with young children, measuring sleep, child care, parental stress, and wellbeing every day for a week. We aim to provide novel information on parents' sleep, and whether sleep equality relates to wellbeing.

Project members

Project managers

Tina Sundelin

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology
Tina Sundelin. Foto: Henrik Dunér


John Axelsson


Department of Psychology
Pressbild John Axelsson. Foto: Sara Appelgren

Benjamin Holding

PhD, Researcher

Karolinska Institutet