Stockholm university

Research project Evaluation of counselling and psychotherapy in outpatient psychiatric clinics

The aim of this project is to evaluate psychotherapy and counselling in outpatient psychiatric clinics, compare short- and long-lasting psychotherapies and finally to evaluate the effect of problematic consumption of alcohol on the outcome of psychotherapy.

Counselling. Photo: Anthony Shkraba från Pexels.

Psychotherapy and counselling play an important role in psychiatric treatment. Treatment outcomes have mainly been evaluated in randomized controlled trials. Very few studies focus on the outcome of counselling and psychotherapy in regular psychiatric care where patients have a high degree of co-morbidities.

The main aims of this project are to evaluate the outcome of psychotherapy and counselling in outpatient psychiatric clinics, compare short- and long-lasting psychotherapies and finally to evaluate the effect of problematic consumption of alcohol on the outcome of psychotherapy. The participants are patients treated for anxiety- and depressive disorders and their therapists at psychiatric outpatient clinics in the region of Sörmland.

Project members

Project managers

Therese Anderbro

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology
Therese Anderbro Foto: Datorenheten/HB


Elisabet Borg

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology
Elisabet Borg, porträtt. Foto: Niklas Björling

Tomas Ljungberg

Associate Professor, Head Physician

Psychiatric clinic, Nyköping, Region Sörmland

Jan Erik Lundkvist

PhD Student

Department of Psychology
