Stockholm university

Research project Farmer in Today's Sweden

Conditions, Challenges, and Experiences as a Business Owner and Entrepreneur

Field chopper and field wagon collect forage crops for silage
Field chopper and field wagon collect forage crops for silage. Photo: Jonn Leffmann, CC BY 3.0,

Despite farmers being a very important social group, both economically and socially, they are largely forgotten in today’s Swedish and international social research, not least in business economics. Most of what people outside of agriculture know about farmers comes through the media in the form of TV documentaries, newspaper articles, and reality shows.

This project aims to change that by giving farmers, with a focus on their life in a Sweden that has become increasingly market-oriented and 'business-economized' over the past decades, the opportunity to talk about their everyday challenges, experiences, problems, and opportunities, as well as to examine their reality and situation. Based on established social science theories and methods, the project intends to investigate, among other things: What is it like to work as a farmer today? What makes it worth the effort? What are the major challenges and problems locally and globally? How do farmers perceive their role and function in society?