Stockholm university

Research project Fertility intentions and fertility decline in Sweden

This project uses register-linked data of the new Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2020 (GGS2020)and its predecessor, the GGS2012, to compare changes in fertility intentions of Swedish women and men over the recent decade of Swedish fertility decline.

Sleeping baby
Photo: Unsplash/Hessam Nabavi

We look at links between fertility intentions and women’s and men’s employment, education, and partnership life courses, and their attitudes and perception of their future to assess the role of structural and subjective factors in fertility intentions.

We study the role of social differentials in these associations and their changes over time. Using the GGS2012 and linked register data that cover fertility outcomes in subsequent years we analyze whether fertility intentions voiced in 2012 were subsequently realized or not, and which factors that have contributed to different positive and negative outcomes.

With both GGSs we furthermore investigate the extent to which rising insecurity and perceived uncertainties are related to recent fertility change by looking at the link between people’s assessment of recent societal transformations, recent crises and their fertility intentions.

Project members

Project managers

Gunnar Andersson

Professor of Demography

Department of Sociology
Gunnar Andersson

Gerda Neyer


Department of Sociology
Gerda Neyer.


Sunnee Billingsley

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology

Johan Dahlberg

Affiliate Researcher

Department of Sociology
Johan Dahlberg @ Stockholm University Demography Unit

Sofi Ohlsson Wijk


Department of Sociology
Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk Foto Leila Zoubir Stockholms universitet

Livia Olah

Senior Lecturer, Docent

Department of Sociology
Livia Oláh