Stockholm university

Research project Gambling in the workplace – how culture, policies, and negative effects interact

That excessive gambling for money can have serious consequences for the player is well-known, but what we know too little about is how workplaces can influence gambling habits.

Shoes on withering ground. Photo: Jachan Devol from Unsplash

Just like alcohol habits, gambling habits can be influenced by the employee's profession as well as the characteristics, culture, and policies of the workplace. Therefore, a comprehensive approach that encompasses the breadth of the working life is needed to advance research on gambling.

In this project, we aim to investigate how the characteristics of workplaces and employees affect gambling addiction, the impact of policies, and the prevalence of gambling for money in the workplace. Another goal is to map how different forms of gambling can lead to negative effects in the workplace.

To answer these questions, we will collect data from workplaces and employees, as well as interview individuals who gamble during working hours. The results will be valuable for multiple stakeholders: employers can tailor interventions to their organization, researchers can develop and evaluate evidence-based workplace interventions, and union representatives gain more knowledge on how to advocate for their members in respective industries.

Project members

Project managers

Jonas Rafi


Department of Psychology

Petra Lindfors


Department of Psychology
Petra Lindfors at desk in office at Stockholm University, Department of Psychology