Stockholm university

Research project Gene regulatory mechanisms in neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation

Neural stem cells generate millions of neuronal subtypes and many supportive cells to constitute the most complex organ, the brain. We aim to understand gene regulatory mechanisms that guide neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation.

Bild QD
Figure: Illustration of neural stem cell lineages, and a picture of the mouse brain slice showing NSCs and daughter cell types. The image is from the Dai lab.

In  the developing mammalian brain, neural stem cells (NSCs) divide to self-renew and differentiate to produce daughter cells including neurons and a few types of supportive cells.  The precise number of neuronal subtypes that differ in position, function and connectivity remains a mystery. How can NSCs generate so many daughter cell types?  

To address this question, we investigate 1) the establishment of cell-type specific gene expression programs in NSC lineages, 2) the functional interplay between cell signaling pathways and NSC-specific transcription factors in the regulation of NSC behaviors, and 3) the consequences of disrupting the balance of NSC proliferation, quiescence and differentiation. We use mouse models and cultured primary neural stem cells to identify genetic roles of novel regulators and genomic approaches to assess gene regulatory mechanisms.  The ultimate goal is to obtain a full understanding of cell specification mechanisms in normal brain development and brain disease condition.

Project members

Project managers

Qi Dai

University Lecturer

Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute
Qi Dai


Jiayu Wen

Genome Sciences and Cancer Division, ANU
