Stockholm university

Research project Geopolitical Impacts on State and Stakeholder Views on Arctic Governance

The project examines geopolitical impacts on state and stakeholder perceptions of Arctic governance in Sweden and in international organizations such as the Arctic Council, European Union, and United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea.

We focus on the legitimation and perceived legitimacy of Arctic institutions in the eyes of stakeholders and states, and identify, map, and explain the policy ideas that exist for a democratic and ecologically sustainable transition in the Arctic. For this project, we conduct in-depth interviews and a large-scale survey among Swedish societal and political leaders.

Project members

Project managers

Lisa Dellmuth


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Lisa Dellmuth


Lisa Dellmuth


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Lisa Dellmuth

Nicholas Olczak


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Nicholas Olczak

Emilie Broek

Research assistant

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
