Stockholm university

Research project GLAS – Glacial Archaeology in Sápmi

Archaeological surveys of melting glaciers and snow patches in Swedish Sápmi. A four year program, financed by Stifteslen Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs minnesfond

Climate change is a fact. Glaciers and snow patches are melting and revealing long lost archaeological artifacts that can help us understad human and animal past. As well as, get a better grip of climate changes. In collaboration with Jamtli, Silvermuseet/INSARC, Ájtte, Norrbotten- and Västerbottens County museums, we are surveying metling glaciers and snow patches in the high alpine areas in Swedish Sápmi.


This is an interdisciplinary program that gather archaeologists and geologists, specialised in the history, archaeology, geology, glaciology and climate history of northern Sweden and Sápmi.


Finds of artifacts and ecofacts of past human and animal presence is of interes here. An interest also lays in the vegetation history.

Project members

Project managers

Kerstin Lidén


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Kerstin Lidén


Markus Fjellström


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Markus Sálajiegna