Stockholm university

Research project HiChem. High-Throughput Analysis and High-Frequency Sampling for Chemical Exposomics

This project aims to develop high-throughput methods to support nontarget chemical exposomics in human blood, including high frequency sampling and high-throughput analytical strategies.


The HiChem project will develop and validate high-throughput chemical exposomic methods in multiwell plates for plasma and whole blood, with additional support for blood microsamples collected by minimally invasive commercial devices that are safe and convenient for high-frequency blood sampling by a layperson outside the clinic.

Project members

Project managers

Solveig Thiele

PhD Student

Department of Environmental Science
Solveig Thiele


Solveig Thiele

PhD Student

Department of Environmental Science
Solveig Thiele

Jonathan Martin


Department of Environmental Science
JWMartin Headshot

Stefano Papazian

Staff scientist

Department of Environmental Science
Stefano Papazian

Bénilde Bonnefille

Staff scientist

Department of Environmental Science
Bénilde Bonnefille