Stockholm university

Research project Human Developmental Cell Atlas and the National Spatial Omics Infrastructure

Developmental disorders are often debilitating and untreatable, resulting in great suffering. We have formed a Swedish consortium – the Human Developmental Cell Atlas​: a comprehensive molecular atlas of human prenatal development, describing every cell type in molecular detail and showing the spatial distribution of cells in three dimensions and over time.

A first sub-project focused on RNA expression in the developing brain, lung and heart has been funded by the Erling Persson Family Foundation. We now propose to significantly expand the scope of the Human Developmental Cell Atlas by

  1. launching a​ national infrastructure for Spatial Omics,​hosted by SciLifeLab;
  2. generating a transcriptomic w​ hole-embryo reference atlas​by Spatial Transcriptomics and ​in situ​ sequencing;
  3. generating an ​integrated protein-RNA atlas​of early human brain and spinal cord development by RNA-protein single-cell sequencing as well as multiplex image-based proteomics; and
  4. providing full,unencumbered o​penaccess to all datasets, ​based on the Human Cell Atlas Data Coordination Platform, but with a project-specific user-facing portal hosted by the SciLifeLab Data Centre.

The Atlas will a​ccelerate research i​nto human biology and disease, and​ strengthen Swedish science ​by building on our already strong position in single-cell genomics and proteomics.

Project members

Project managers

Mats Nilsson

Professor of Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Mats Nilsson