Stockholm university

Research project Identifying a new marine endosymbiosis as a model to study the origin of plastids

Meringosphaera are a widespread genus of marine planktonic unicellular eukaryotes that are globally distributed, yet poorly characterized.

According to phylogenetic analyses these organisms are most closely related to non-photosynthetic, however they are considered photosynthetic based on microscopy observations showing the presence of auto fluorescent spheroid bodies reminiscent of plastids. Plastids are photosynthetic organelles of plankton. The aim of this project is to determine the identity, function, and metabolic integration of these spheroid bodies.

The external grant for this 3 600 000 SEK, from VR and it is a funded collaboration with Fabien Burki at Uppsala University, Tom Delmont at Genoscope and SHMI for monthly sampling.

Application fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to a Meringosphaera cell shows the positive hyb
Application fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to a Meringosphaera cell shows the positive hybridization of the 18S rRNA probe, auto fluorescent bodies (red coccoid), and DNA staining by DAPI of the host nucleus.

Project members

Project managers


Elina Viinamäki

Research engineer

Department of Environmental Science
Elina Viinamäki

Anne Walraven

Guest researcher

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences