Stockholm university

Research project iMIRACLI - Understanding Arctic clouds: how do aerosols control their properties

The project is part of the EU funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) named iMIRACLI (innovative MachIne leaRning to constrain Aerosol-cloud CLimate Impacts) and examines how aerosols affect the Arctic mixed-phase clouds.

The iMIRACLI network funds 15 PhD students in Europe who are trained to use and develop machine learning for climate research. The specific aim is to constrain the role of aerosols and clouds in different scales of climate change. Visit the official website for more information:

Maura Dewey is the participating PhD student from the Department of Meteorology (MISU), Stockholm University. Her supervisors are Professor Annica Ekman, MISU, Miguel Rodrigues, University College London, and Niall Robinson, Met-Office.

From the iMIRACLI project page for Understanding Arctic clouds: how do aerosols control their properties: 

“We will examine aerosol effects on Arctic mixed-phase clouds. These clouds often persist for days and are crucial for the Arctic energy balance, but the main factors governing their life cycle are not well known. Changes in aerosol concentrations may be an important factor driving Arctic cloud dissipation.
Confirming this hypothesis from in-situ observations is however difficult, as the observations are limited in time and space as well as in terms of variables. We will develop and use a Gaussian Process Emulator of a large-eddy simulation model to perform an efficient uncertainty analysis of an observed cloud dissipation event.“

Read more about Maura and her iMIRACLI research:

The final project event for the Marie-Curie ITN iMIRACLI, is the iMIRACLI Final Workshop on June 26th and 27th, 2024.


Project members

Project managers

Annica Ekman

Professor of Meteorology

Department of Meteorology

Maura Dewey

PhD student

Department of Meteorology