Stockholm university

Research project Immigration and the Normalization of Racism

"Immigration and the Normalization of Racism: Discursive Shifts in Swedish Politics and Media 2010-22" is led by Prof. Michal Krzyzanowski, Uppsala University and the team includes Associate Professor Mattias Ekman, Stockholm University. Main language: English. Research subject: MCS Funding body: The Swedish Research Council, grant: 2019–03354.

The project examines the process of ‘normalization of racism’ in the Swedish public sphere by looking at trajectories of Swedish political and media discourse. We cover the period 2010-22 of a significant change in Swedish public language on immigration in the context of ongoing socio-political change including the growth of right-wing populism. We examine various ‘discursive shifts’ that allow for the once unacceptable, racist and xenophobic attitudes towards immigration and migrants to become increasingly legitimised and normalised in the public domain. The project looks into evolving meaning of ‘immigration’ in Sweden to grasp the dynamics and diversity of views constructed within the dichotomy between uncivil/ radical statements and quasi-civil/rationalised arguments. Conducting three, comprehensive, empirical studies, we undertake in-depth, systematic, diachronic, critical discourse analysis of Swedish (mainstream/populist) political and (traditional/online) media discourse. That analysis is additionally informed by ‘insider’ interviews with political and media experts reflecting on the immigration-related discursive change. The project moves beyond the dominant approaches to ‘representations of’ migration in politics and media by looking in-depth at complex ideas and concepts used in the ongoing process of discursive ‘othering’ of migrants and allowing political/media actors to transform norms of public expression as well as normalise racism in Sweden.

Project members


Mattias Ekman

Associate Professor

Department of Media Studies