Stockholm university

Research project Improving Preconditions for Socially Sustainable Housing Communities

How can the preconditions for more people to be able to live in socially sustainable housing communities be improved? - What does the scientific literature say about potential initiators, collaborators and legal conditions?

The purpose of this proposed project is to create a research overview of legal, economic and social conditions of importance for the possibility of developing the concept into a socially inclusive and economically viable form of housing that is accessible to a larger circuit of citizens. The research overview will include a systematic mapping and analysis of the existing international literature on collaborative housing. The study will focus on three themes:1) potential initiators, 2) key partners and 3) legal institutional settings and thus relate to the current problems in Sweden in developing this form of housing.

Project description

Collaborative Housing is an umbrella term for forms of housing that are based on collectivity and selforganization. In recent years, these types of initiatives have once again been highlighted as an opportunity to create sustainable housing and residential areas, as well as reduce housing costs. Due to the complexity and legal uncertainty that arises in connection with the start-up of collaborative housing communities, however, in Sweden today the form is primarily an alternative for the middle class, ie people who generally already have access to the housing market. As a result of this, and unlike several other countries, in Sweden collaborative housing is often not considered a potential partial solution to the housing market problems. 

The purpose of this proposed project is to create a research overview of legal, economic and social conditions of importance for the possibility of developing the concept into a socially inclusive and economically viable form of housing that is accessible to a larger circuit of citizens. The research overview will include a systematic mapping and analysis of the existing international literature on collaborative housing. The study will focus on three themes:

  1. Potential initiators
  2. Key partners
  3. Legal institutional settings and thus relate to the current problems in Sweden in developing this form of housing

Project members

Project managers

Elisabeth Ahlinder

Universitetslektor, docent

Department of Law
Elisabeth Ahlinder


Anna Granath Hansson
