Stockholm university

Research project Innovating methods in signed language corpus linguistics: a Nordic approach (NSLCN)

The purpose of this project is to form a network of Nordic signed language (SL) researchers. The project includes Swedish sign language, Norwegian sign language and the two sign languages ​​in Finland.

Inspelning av teckenspråkskorpus. Foto: Lena Katarina Johansson
Lena Katarina Johansson/Stockholms universitet

Within this project we organize a series of three workshops which will bring together a network of Nordic signed language (SL) researchers: the Nordic Signed Language Corpus Network, NSLCN. These researches all work with multimodal SL corpora using a cognitive-functional linguistic approach. 

Project description

The workshops arranged within the project will develop empirical corpus methods for SLs and contribute to the planning of a corpus-exploiting international research project that will focus on similarities and differences between Swedish, Finnish, Finland-Swedish and Norwegian SL.

Workshop 1: 9–10 June 2022, Stockholm

The first workshop focused on metadata and research questions.

Workshop 2: End of 2022, Jyväskylä, Finland

The second workshop will focus on annotation and on theoretical background.

Workshop 3: 2023, Trondheim

The final workshop focuses on statistics and on research plan.

All workshops include collaboration between junior and senior researchers, as well as between academia and local SL communities.

Project members

Project managers

Tommi Jantunen


Sign Language Centre, University of Jyväskylä


Johanna Mesch


Department of Linguistics
Johanna Mesch

Juhana Salonen

Project researcher

University of Jyväskylä

Anna-Lena Nilsson


Department of Language and Literature, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Lindsay Ferrara

Associate Professor

Department of Language and Literature, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
