Stockholm university

Research project Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representation (INDCOR) 

The aim of this project is to build a network for the interdisciplinary study of interactive digital narratives – stories in digital media that change according to user input. Video games is one example that involve interactive digital narratives.

The INDCOR logo, painted by Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari.
The INDCOR logo, painting by Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari.

The aim of the INDCOR project is to build a network for the interdisciplinary study of interactive digital narrative (IDN). It has the potential to address complexity as a societal challenge. IDNs can be used to represent, experience and comprehend complex phenomena and thus also address the issue of “fake news”.

The challenge is therefore to change the current status of interactive digital narratives from ‘singular achievement’ of a small group of ‘initiated’ practitioners to ‘general practice’ of many media companies. The project addresses this challenge by means of a coordinated effort in analysing and generalising design and production methods of stand-out IDN works. We focus in particular on the representation of complex issues.

INDCOR involves more than 170 members representing 39 countries. INDCOR is a COST Action research network (CA18230), funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.

INDCOR stands for Interactive Narrative Design for COmplexity Representations. COST stands for European Cooperation in Science & Technology.

Project description

INDCOR’s many experts collaborate in four working groups (WGs) using different lenses on the core topics:

WG1 will design IDN prototypes and analyse the design and evaluation process with the aim to make the resulting knowledge available to practitioners for the representation of complex topics. A first target group will be journalists and media organizations.

WG2 will investigate, develop and disseminate concepts linked to the understanding of narrative complexity and their relationships towards existing IDN systems, specific subject matters and the ways in which participants are involved in a complex, communicative interaction.

WG3 aims to gain a holistic and transdisciplinary understanding of the moment-to-moment, short term, and long term outcomes of engagement with interactive narratives for complexity representation.

WG4 focusses on societal contexts in order to better understand the connections between contexts, IDNs, and complexity. In more abstract terms, WG4 examines the relationship between IDNs and their external environments.

Project members

Project managers

Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
photo of Mirjam Eladhari
