Stockholm university

Research project Investigating the Influence of Working Conditions on the Initiation and Duration of the Fourth Age

This project, "The Fruits of Labor", asks the question of whether a healthy work life can postpone (i.e. prolong the third age), compress, and/or eliminate the fourth age? Or will adverse working conditions accumulate over the work life and instead expand the fourth age?

Younger hands holding an old person's hand. Photo: truthseeker08 från Pixabay.

Although life expectancies are increasing in Sweden, most people will spend several years in the “fourth age”, which is often seen as the period prior to death where we are dependent on others for the most basic aspects of daily life.

Prior research has demonstrated the importance of working conditions for health and function in old age; this project will use data already linked from several national registers (n≈80,000 people) to examine the influence of working conditions throughout work life on the initiation and duration of the fourth age, here defined as years of life with long-term care (institutional care and home-help services due to severe disability) after age 65. Job exposure matrices, which is a description of the working condition of each type of occupation, are matched to register information on job titles at multiple time points in order to create trajectories and measure accumulation. Additional analyses will examine whether the relationships between working conditions and future care use vary by sex, socioeconomic position (occupation, income and education), country of birth, and age at retirement.

Project members

Project managers

Charlotta Nilsen


Department of Psychology
Charlotta Nilsen