Stockholm university

Research project LAMP: Languages and Myths of Prehistory

Due to recent advances in ancient genetics, a new picture of prehistory is emerging. In the LAMP project we cast light on the aspects of prehistoric peoples that make them human: their languages and beliefs.

LAMP logo

The project asks three fundamental questions about the early speakers of Indo-European.

How did they talk?

We reconstruct the sounds, grammar and vocabulary of the prehistoric language stages from which the extant languages descend.

What did they talk about?

We compare the relevant parts of the reconstructed vocabulary with mythological and archaeological evidence in order to establish fragments of the myths, poetry and rituals of prehistory.

How can we know?

We integrate the methodologies currently developing in the interfaces between the traditional fields of linguistics, archaeology and mythology.

Project members

Project managers

Jenny Larsson


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German


David W. Anthony

Professor Emeritus, Hartwick College

Hartwick College
David W. Anthony

Riccardo Ginevra

Researcher, Università Cattolica, Milan

Università Cattolica, Milan
Riccardo Ginevra

Peter Jackson Rova


Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies
Peter Jackson. Foto: Niklas Björling.

Anders Richardt Jørgensen

Ass. Professor, University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen
Anders Richardt Jørgensen

Anders Kaliff

Professor, Uppsala University

Professor, Uppsala University
Anders Kaliff

Terje Oestigaard

Ass. Professor, Uppsala University

Uppsala University
Terje Oestigaard

Thomas Olander

Ass. Professor, University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen
Thomas Olander

Birgit Anette Olsen

Professor, University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen
Birgit Anette Olsen

More about this project

Events, publications and appearances in media are listen on LAMP's external website.