Stockholm university

Research project Law, Singletons, and Leviathan

Project about Legal Values and Civic Virtues under Computer-Optimized Economic Output.

There is a non-negligible probability that a computing entity of superior coordinative execution will optimize economic output to a higher degree than traditional free markets, thereby making such markets redundant as instruments for economic output on a standard utilitarian approach.

The traditional free market depends on individual freedom as an instrument to compute individual optima that aggregate to optimal market outputs. The function of law has been to guarantee the free rein of individual computing power to optimize aggregate economic output. This function rested on tacit values such as human dignity and individual liberty. It was further expressed in terms of general legal principles such as equality before the law, no power to be wielded above and beyond the law; criminal law principles such as do not kill, do not steal; and private law principles such as keeping promises and a general individual liability for wrongdoing.

If these values and principles are not instrumental for economic output, are they to be discarded? The project attempts a closer understanding of this seemingly unattractive conclusion.

Project members

Project managers


Anders Sandberg

Senior Research Fellow

Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford