Stockholm university

Research project Law, sustainable energy use and preservation of cultural heritage values (RECO)

Research project that has been awarded funding in the Swedish Energy Agency's call for research on human, energy system and society (MESAM), which aims to contribute a diversity of perspectives on energy and climate issues.

Buildings in Almedalen

The housing and services sector contribute to nearly 40% of the total energy use in the EU. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings is therefore a key measure for reducing climate emissions and ensuring that climate goals can be met. However, measures to increase energy efficiency may conflict with other sustainability objectives, including the preservation of cultural heritage values.

In this project, we study how the law, in particular the Environmental Code and the Planning and Building Act, deals with the conflict between increased energy efficiency and the preservation of buildings with cultural heritage values. Both the norms as such and the application of the law is included. This is done through case studies including solar cells, windows and heating systems, interviews and surveys.

Based on legal science, art history and technical knowledge of energy efficiency improvements in buildings, the project identifies deficits in the existing legal framework and the need for legal measures to fulfill both objectives. The project intends to contribute new theoretical and practical knowledge for the benefit of legislators, practitioners and other stakeholders. 

Project members

Project managers

Anna Christiernsson

Associate senior lecturer

Department of Law


Tor Broström


Departement of Art History, Uppsala University

Melina Malafry

Postdoctoral fellow

Departement of Law, Uppsala University

Mia Geijer

Senior lecturer

Departement of Art History, Uppsala University