Stockholm university

Research project Layering Trust in Intimate Digital Health Technologies

This project will produce a large-scale qualitative study of Natural Cycles, the first algorithmic contraceptive method on the market.

Workshop about trust and contraceptive methods. Photo: Marie Louise Juul Sondergaard.
Workshop about trust and contraceptive methods. Photo: Marie Louise Juul Sondergaard.

This project focuses on trust relations related to Natural Cycles, the first algorithmic contraceptive method on the market. We examine how trust is developed and maintained.

We work from the standpoint that health choices, health behaviours, and critically, trust in healthcare service providers are interpersonal and socially constructed. Our qualitative research looks beyond the individual user, engaging also with the wider social context of ”use”.

As a part of this project, we engage with participants through design workshops. We want to learn more about how they come to trust new contraceptive methods, but also about trust between people who make choices about contraception.

The project is carried out in collaboration with Natural Cycles.

Project members

Project managers

Airi Lampinen

Senior lecturer

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Madeline Balaam

Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design, KTH


Marianela Ciolfi Felice

Avdelningen för medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, KTH

Nadia Campo Woytuk

Avdelningen för medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, KTH

Joo Young Park

Avdelningen för medieteknik och interaktionsdesign, KTH