Stockholm university

Research project Leadership development systems (LDS)

In a globalized and rapidly changing world of increasing complexity and uncertainty, organizations need to attract, develop and retain competent leaders, which makes competence and leadership development a priority. The program addresses the challenge of how to recoup investments in leadership.

Figur LDS

The purpose of the program is to develop a more systematic approach to leadership development that is supported by validated and practical applicable theories, methods, and tools. The participating companies approach their leadership development in different ways, and the program both supports and follows their improvement efforts. The key issue is to increase knowledge on how an organization can mature their system for leadership development to fit the organization’s needs and resources.

The participating companies all share the challenge of creating a LDS that is aligned with organizational development and structures, attracts potential and future leaders, and is integrated in everyday work. The engagement in regular workshops ensures a continuous knowledge trade between companies and researchers, and together they create knowledge that is applicable in practice, but also that will contribute to knowledge at the frontline of leadership development research.

Project members

Project managers

Gunilla Avby

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Gunilla Avby

Sofia Kjellström, professor

Jönköping University
Sofia Kjellström