Stockholm university

Research project Lignin-based functional materials for a sustainable future (SUSLIG)

Fundamental science and explorative applied research will be combined in the SUSLIG project to pave the way for new lignin-based materials. The produced material prototypes will be scalable and net positive to the environment, building on interdisciplinary materials chemistry and the principles of green chemistry and engineering.


The ambitious goal of the project is to demonstrate these pioneering materials in end-uses that contribute to the development of sustainable energy and environmental systems. The applications, such as recoverable adhesives, solar energy harvesting, and controlled release of chemicals for a lower environmental impact in agriculture, will be pursued. Even though the project is anchored in fundamental science, attempts will be made to protect commercially promising inventions to secure possibilities for industrial exploitation of the results.

Project members

Project managers

Mika Sipponen

Assistant Professor

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Mika Sipponen