Stockholm university

Field work site Boden: Rödberget Fortress, Kalixlinjen Museum, Defense Museum

The research design is based on fieldwork at strategically selected military heritage sites. These are the pictures from the field work sites in Boden: Rödberget Fortress, Kalixlinjen Museum, Defense Museum.

Rödbergsfortet: Military fortress part of Boden Fortress, intended to protect Sweden from Russian attacks from the East through Finland and from the sea. Decommisioned in 1998 and serves today as a musealized tourist attraction.


Viltfarmen,  Kalixlinjen museum: museum showing vehicles and weapons used at the Kalixlinjen defence zone, which meant to protect against a Soviet invasion. Decommisioned after the end of the Cold War.

Viltfarmen, Kalixlinjen museum. Gungor.
Making a military heritage. Kustartilleri.
Making a military heritage. Flygplanet "Draken" (J35).

Defence Museum, Boden: National defence museum heritagizing the history of northern Swedish defence since the construction of the Boden fortifications in the 1800s to the present.

Defence Museum, Boden.