Stockholm university

Research project Many-body effects in Weyl Semimetals

Topological semimetals are a class of materials in which electrons obtain exotic propoerties that are not found in elementary particles in nature. We examine Coulomb interaction in these.

Topological materials are expected to form the building blocks of future information technology. These prospects have fueled an intense search for new classes of materials. However, a key question has been overlooked: Coulomb interactions between electrons may radically change the fundamental properties of a material. This detail has mainly been seen as an obstacle to realizing new types of topological materials. This project takes the opposite view, that Coulomb forces can in fact be exploited to realize entirely new types of quantum mechanical materials with propoerties that make them ideal for technological applications.

Project description

This proposal aims to predict new topological phases that occur due to correlation effects in quantum materials. By providing precise criteria for the emergence of these phases, candidate materials can be readily identified and synthesized. The project will also derive highly accurate, effective theories that capture the phenomenology of these, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Topological materials are increasingly finding technological implementations in sensors and information technology. This project will provide building blocks for future industrial applications by exploring a new class of quantum materials.

Project members

Project managers

Johan Fredrik Carlström


Department of Physics


Ilaria Maccari

Postdoctoral fellow

Department of Physics

Carlos Naya Rodriguez


Department of Physics
