Stockholm university

Research project Maritime just-in-time optimization interoperable port call and voyage optimization tool (MISSION)

MISSION aims to revolutionize maritime transport efficiency and sustainability through real-time port call and voyage optimization.

Drone photo of cargo ships with containers in a port.
Photo: William William/Unsplash.

The MISSION project is designed to revolutionize maritime transport by creating a digital tool for optimizing port calls and voyages in real-time. This initiative seeks to reduce fuel consumption, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease waiting times by enhancing coordination and information sharing among maritime stakeholders.

Through leveraging cutting-edge technology, MISSION aims to make maritime logistics more efficient and environmentally friendly, setting a new standard for global shipping operations. This project not only addresses current challenges in maritime transport but also contributes to the broader goals of sustainability and economic competitiveness.

This project has received funding from European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no. 101138583.

A large number of European organisations are collaborating partners in this project:

1. University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2. Fundacion Valenciaport, Spain
3. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
4. Åbo Akademi, Finland
5. Awake.AI, Finland
6. Cetena s.P.a., Italy
7. National Technical University of Athens, Greece
8. Revolve Planet, Belgium
9. TIC 4.0, Belgium
10. DFDS AS, Denmark
11. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
12. German Aerospace Center, Germany
13. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy
14. Fintraffic Vessel Traffic Services Ltd, Finland
15. Royal Dirkzwager, The Netherlands
16. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Denmark
17. NAPA OY, Finland
18. Blue Visby Services Ltd, United Kingdom
19. IOTA Foundation, Germany
20. Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, Italy
21. Port System Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, Italy
22. Port of Piraeus, Greece
23. Port of Klaipeda, Lithuania
24. Stockholm University (SU), Sweden
25. Ership S.A.U., Spain
26. Essberger & Stolt Tankers, Germany
27. Cosco Shipping Lines Spain SA, Spain
28. Finnlines Plc, Finland
29. Digital Container Shipping Association (Associated), The Netherlands
30. Port of Antwerp-Bruges (Associated), Belgium

Project description

The MISSION project aims to revolutionize the maritime industry by implementing a sophisticated digital tool designed for the optimization of port calls and maritime voyages. This initiative stands at the forefront of integrating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics to streamline maritime logistics operations. By facilitating real-time communication and data exchange among ships, ports, and logistic operators, the project aspires to significantly reduce operational inefficiencies, such as fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, while simultaneously enhancing the overall efficiency of maritime transport chains.

The scientific approach of MISSION encompasses several critical areas of research, including the development of algorithms for predictive analytics, the integration of IoT devices for real-time monitoring, and the creation of a collaborative platform for stakeholders. These technological advancements are expected to lead to more accurate scheduling, reduced waiting times for vessels, and a decrease in unnecessary fuel consumption, contributing to a more sustainable maritime environment.

Moreover, the project explores the regulatory and economic implications of implementing such technologies, offering valuable insights into the future of maritime logistics and its potential impact on global trade. Through its comprehensive analysis and innovative solutions, MISSION aims to set new standards for efficiency and sustainability in the maritime industry, serving as a model for future research and development in the field.

For further details on specific methodologies, technologies employed, and findings of the MISSION project, interested readers are encouraged to explore related scientific publications and project outputs.

Project members

Project managers

Simon Hacks

Associate professor

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Julia Pahl

Associate Professor

Engineering Operations Management, University of Southern Denmark



More about this project

Read an interview with Simon Hacks:
“In the end, it’s just code and data”