Stockholm university

Research project Mediating the Maghreb: Literary Creation, Institutions, Circulation.

Internationellt samarbete 2021-2022 - STINT

Pedagogical and scientific exchange between Stockholm University and Mohammed V University in Rabat.

Project description

The objectives of the project are to share, develop and deepen teaching competencies in the areas of Francophone Maghrebian studies and Literary Mediation with the intention of 1) creating a future joint online course in Francophone North African Literature at advanced level in Stockholm, 2) contributing to the PhD-school of Rabat with guest lectures on Literary and cultural Mediation and supervision and 3) publishing an open access volume with Stockholm University Press: Mediating the Maghreb: Literary Creation, Institutions, Circulation.

In order to achieve these goals, we will organize four educational and scientific activities spread over a year, relating to the two key areas of Francophone Maghrebian studies and Literary Mediation. An important focus for the exchange will be to learn new teaching forms from each other and broaden the areas of expertise available for teaching at bachelor, advanced and doctoral levels.
Concretely, this project includes 1) guest lectures between the two universities, 2) a workshop at bachelor's level at SU, 3) a two-day doctoral symposium at Rabat with presentations and supervision from SU and 4) the collaborative writing of a book suitable for teaching purposes, drawing on our collective expertise in literary and cultural mediation and Francophone Maghrebian studies.

Finansiering: STINT (ansökan AF2020-8901)

Huvudsökande: Mickaëlle Cedergren
Deltagare: Christophe Premat, Alice Duhan
Deltagare vid Rabat: Hassan Moustir, Saloua El Oufir, Ali Naji

Project members

Project managers

Mickaelle Cedergren


Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Mickaëlle Cedergren 2024


Alice Pick Duhan

Postdoctoral researcher

Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Alice Duhan

Christophe Premat

Associate Professor

Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Christophe Premat